FASHION MARKETING & SOCIAL VESEYBranding, marketing, web, social media, and graphic design for a company based in San Francisco.VESEY is a unisex brand that delivers in quality in style and service designing creative one-of-a-kind pieces for clients all over the world. There are various sub-categories within VESEY:Vesey Weddings offer custom suiting designs for the wedding party, with virtual style sessions tailored to your favorite wedding theme.Vesey Exclusive is a bespoke design and tailoring service with high-end customer service.VZCharity focuses on wearing art for a cause and not being afraid to start a conversation about what you are passionate about through your fashion.VZStreet, and Vesey Farms are the next part of the journey, so stay tuned… LOOK UP AT THE SKY DAYHUMANKIND/COMMUNITY CELEBRATING EARTH DAY 2022PLANET/SUSTAINABILITY BY PICKING ANIMAL PRINT FABRICS FROM VZCPROFITS GO TO AN ANIMAL CHARITYANIMAL/NATURE